About Us – Filamento

About Us

Filamento harnesses LED technology and optics advancements, aiming to transform high output LED lighting. Our mission extends beyond just saving energy; we're dedicated to improving overall lighting quality. Our strategies include uniformly lighting spaces, ensuring even product illumination on shelves, providing glare-free light, wireless controls, enhancing application efficiency, and minimizing light trespass to protect dark skies. Our products are designed for easy installation in both new and retrofit projects, offering durable, consistent lighting without color shift or degradation.

Frank Shum – Founder

Filamento Patents

Founded in 2014 in Silicon Valley by Frank Shum, the former General Manager and Chief Designer at Soraa, Filamento is driven by a commitment to innovation and quality. Frank's leadership, characterized by a quest for excellence and innovation, has earned Filamento. With over 150 patents, Frank's work propels Filamento beyond traditional industrial lighting, envisioning a brighter, better future.